Over the weekend, a teacher at Plaza Towers Elementary school in Moore, Oklahoma, and her relative went to the school to fix a computer in another teacher's room. The unidentified man had forgotten that he had a handgun in his pocket. While there, the gun fell out of his pocket and the two left, not realizing they were leaving a gun behind.
Monday morning, the classroom teacher came in and found the loaded gun on his chair. He notified administrators who locked down the school. Police were called and they searched the building while the students were kept in the school cafeteria.
When the owner of the gun saw reports on the news he realized that the gun was his and contacted police. The man has a concealed weapons permit which allows him to carry the loaded, hidden gun in public.
Police have turned the investigation over to the district attorney's office for possible charges.
There is no excuse for not knowing where your loaded gun is at all times.