Friday, January 27, 2012

Gun instructor arrested, charged with shortening course & giving answers

51-year-old Richard Wykel of Cherokee County, South Carolina was certified as a concealed weapons permit instructor in 1996. But after an undercover investigation, Wykel has been arrested and charged with perjury and subornation of perjury in connection with improper training in his concealed weapons permit class.
South Carolina requires eight hours of training, including classroom instruction, firing a weapon, and showing proficiency in a weapon, before someone can obtain a concealed weapons permit. After receiving a complaint about Wykel an undercover agent signed up for his class. The agent reported that he paid $65 for the class, was fingerprinted, filled out the application and was then given the answers to the test. He also said the class lasted less than one hour and did not include firing the handgun.
Police are asking people who took Wykel's course to come forward and requalify for permits. They warn that anyone who applied for and received a concealed weapons permit without completing the eight-hour training course are subject to perjury charges for the falsification of the applications process.

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